Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

New Comparative Public Law Scholarship

As Chair of the Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) in the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL), I’m pleased to announce that the YCC will host a panel on “Building Constitutionalism in Post-Authoritarian States” at the ASCL’s Annual Meeting.

The panel will feature the work of two younger comparativists: William Partlett’s paper on Making Constitutions Matter; and (2) Ozan Varol’s paper on The Democratic Coup D’Etat. Their papers were selected in a double-blind review process among many outstanding submissions from younger comparativists across the globe.

Two senior comparative public law scholarsLaurence Claus of the University of San Diego and Fred Morrison of the University of Minnesotahave graciously agreed to serve as discussants.
The ASCL’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 20-22 in Sacramento at the Pacific McGeorge School of Law.


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