Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: Younger Comparativists; New Scholarship

  • New Scholarship Review: Interview with Federico Fabbrini

    –Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this installment of I-CONnect’s interview series, I speak with Federico Fabbrini about his forthcoming paper on The Euro-Crisis and the Courts: Judicial Review and the Political Process in Comparative Perspective. In his paper, Professor Fabbrini explores the increasing involvement of courts in the fiscal and economic affairs of the state, with a…

  • The Ombudsman as an Institution of European Administrative Law

    —Dr. Julia Haas, Attorney-at-law (Rechtsanwältin), Hamburg (Germany) The ombudsman is presumably one of the most important Scandinavian contributions to worldwide constitutional development. Its origins can be traced back to the Swedish institution of the Justitieombudsman which was introduced in the Swedish constitution of 1809.

  • New Comparative Public Law Scholarship

    As Chair of the Younger Comparativists Committee (YCC) in the American Society of Comparative Law (ASCL), I’m pleased to announce that the YCC will host a panel on “Building Constitutionalism in Post-Authoritarian States” at the ASCL’s Annual Meeting. The panel will feature the work of two younger comparativists: William Partlett’s paper on Making Constitutions Matter; and…