– Dennis Tang instead of female judge who had questioned evidence re: eight-year-old’s consent in rape case
– Cho Yong, Lawyers for Democratic Change, false address
– retirement of Justice Cho Dae-Hyen, in background
Constitutional Court confirmation politics in Taiwan and Korea
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 5: The Other Judicial Reforms in Mexico – Elected and Faceless Judges, Military Personnel with Investigative Tasks, and Mandatory Pre-Trial Detention
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 4: The Mexican Judicial Reform — So What?
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 3: The Judicial Reform Snowball and the State of Mexican Democracy
The Anna Karenina Principle and Democratic Erosion
Symposium on the Judicial Overhaul in Mexico Part 2: The Transition to Another Type of Constitutionalism in Mexico