For those with an interest in comparative constitutional law, a good place to be this coming week is Mexico City. The VIIIth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law kicks off tomorrow at the Hilton Reforma Mexico City. The latest version of the program is available here. As one might imagine, a lot of comparative constitutional law folks will be in attendance, including a couple of contributors to this blog. On Thursday afternoon, Ran Hirschl will be co-chairing a workshop on the subject of methodology in comparative constitutional law, and I’ll be speaking on the use of large-n (quantitative) methods. Another shameless plug: Thursday morning, Vicki Jackson will be chairing a plenary session on the universality vs. particularity of constitutional principles, featuring one of my most distinguished hosts at National Taiwan University, Jiunn-Rong Yeh. Come one, come all!
World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law in Mexico City
What’s New in Public Law
What’s New in Public Law
Symposium on South Korea’s Martial Law Declaration Part 3: Failing to Uphold International Human Rights Standards
What’s New in Public Law
Symposium on South Korea’s Martial Law Declaration Part 2: Holding the President Criminally Responsible for Insurrection