Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

The Latest Scholarship at Ius Publicum Network Review

Gabriella M. Racca, University of Turin

As announced earlier this year, I-CONnect and IUS Publicum Network review have entered into a partnership to deepen the study of comparative public law and to enhance its online coverage. The IUS Publicum Network review is a network of the national leading public and administrative law journals in Europe, whose aim is to track and interpret the evolution of public law in each country involved, pointing out its influences on the construction of an administrative and public European law and its connections with other legal cultures.

Issue 1-2014 of the Ius Publicum Nework review is now online. The articles and the reports are available at the links below. We draw your attention in particular to the article on “Corruption as a Violation of Fundamental Rights: Reputation Risk as a Deterrent Against the Lack of Loyalty” (Gabriella M. Racca & Roberto Cavallo Perin), which also appears in Integrity and Efficiency in Sustainable Public Contracts: Balancing Corruption Concerns in Public Procurement Internationally (Bruylant 2014).


  1. Gabriella M. Racca & Roberto Cavallo Perin, Corruption as a Violation of Fundamental Rights: Reputation Risk as a Deterrent Against the Lack of Loyalty
  2. Francesco de Leonardis, Policies and Powers of Local Government in the Area of Environmental Protection: An Introduction
  3. Alfredo Moliterni, The Multilevel Legal Regime Public Service Concessions
  4. Monica Delsignore, Standing in Environmental Lawsuits in Italy: Some Suggestions from the U.S.


Public Bodies – Civil Service

  1. Spain: Luis Ortega Álvarez & Isaac Martín Delgado, Organización administrativa

Police – Administrative fines

  1. France: Marie-Pierre Lapeyre, Police administrative–Apports des années 2011-2013

Administrative Justice

  1. Italy: Paolo Cotza, Le pouvoir administratif en appréciation ultra-légale (“merito amministrativo”)

Public Ownership – Public Finance

  1. France: Jean Philippe Orlandini, BiensPropriétés PubliquesApports des Années2012-2013
  2. Spain: Francisco López Menudo & Carlos Mingorance Martín, Bienes y obras públicas

Liability and Accountability

  1. Italy: Elisa Scotti, State Liability for Lawful Acts and the Principle of Compensation

Issue 3/4-2013 of the Ius Publicum Nework review is also now complete. The articles and reports are linked below. The article on “Integrity Challenges in the EU and US Procurement Systems” (D. I Gordon & Gabriella M. Racca) will be of particular interest for American comparativists. This article clarifies the main differences between the US and the EU in tackling issue of the integrity. It focuses on the differences between the two systems’ contractor selection models and emphasizes the extent to which each system allows for subjective evaluation methods by linking the latter to accountability and transparency requirements. The published reports cover the following topics: Public Contracts, Public Law and Economics (Competition and Regulation) and Public Utilities, Judicial Review and Remedies and European Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law and International Law–Human Rights.


  1. José Esteve Pardo, La extensión del derecho público. Una reacción necesaria.
  2. Daniel I.Gordon & Gabriella M. Racca, Integrity Challenges in the EU and U.S. Procurement Systems
  3. Jorge García-Andrade Gómez, La adopción de la estabilidad presupuestaria en la Constitución española
  4. Fabio Saitta, Towards a due process of eminent domain


Public Contracts

  1. Italy: Hilde Caroli Casavola, Public procurement and globalization

Public Law and Economics (Competition and Regulation) and Public Utilities

  1. Italy: Melania D’Angelosante, State Failures and the “Inclusive Subsidiarity” of the Market in Healthcare at the Time of the Economic Recession
  2. Italy: Maria Grazia Della Scala, State-Owned Enterprises: “CompaniesEnterprises” and Public Entities Organized as Companies. A Review of Applicable Rules
  3. France: Maxime Boul, Droit public de la économie et sevices publicsApport2012

Judicial Review and Remedies

  1. England: Richard Kirkham, Liability and Accountability (Ombudsman)
  2. England: Martin Trybus, The Transposition of the Public Procurement Remedies Directive 2007/66/EC in the United Kingdom

European Law, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law and International LawHuman Rights

  1. France: M. Bertrand Sergues, Droit administratif et droit constitutionnel Apports de la période 2012 juin 2013
  2. France: Salomé Gottot, Droit administratif et droit de la Union Europeenne Apport de l’annee 2012


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