Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

International Journal of Constitutional Law: Call for Reviews

Michaela Hailbronner, University of Pretoria, South Africa

ICON is celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2017, and we are running a short series on books that have inspired us and shaped how we think about comparative law, public international law or human rights (all broadly defined). Some senior scholars and justices will be contributing to the series, and we are now looking for two or three junior scholars (PhD, post-doc or junior faculty) to join them. Those selected will be asked write a short text (1000-2000 words) on a book that has been key in inspiring them to engage with these fields. The chosen book itself does not need to be a ‘law book’. Your text should explain the choice, how you encountered this particular book and why it prompted you to want to work and write on related questions. The successful texts will be published alongside the contributions by senior scholars in one of ICON’s 2017 print editions.
If you are interested in contributing to this series, send me a short email (mhailbronner(at) with the suggestion of a title, a one sentence description of the book and why it matters to you, and your current institutional affiliation.


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