Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

ICON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)

Volume 15 Issue 4

Table of Contents


Honor Roll of Reviewers 2017


Jessica Eisen, Animals in the constitutional state

William Partlett, The American tradition of constituent power

Rosalind Dixon and Tom Ginsburg, The forms and limits of constitutions as political insurance

Elisa D’Alterio, Integrity of the public sector and controls: A new challenge for global administrative law?

Tony Prosser, Constitutions as communication

Symposium: Federalism and rights:

Europe and the United States compared

Thomas Kleinlein and Bilyana Petkova,  Federalism, rights, and backlash in Europe and the United States

Aida Torres Pérez, The federalizing force of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Brian Soucek, Marriage, morality, and federalism: The USA and Europe compared

Michèle Finck, Fragmentation as an agent of integration: Subnational authorities in EU law

Bilyana Petkova, Domesticating the “foreign” in making transatlantic data privacy law

Thomas Kleinlein, Federalisms, rights, and autonomies: The United States, Germany, and the EU

I.CON: Debate!

Catharine MacKinnon, Substantive equality revisited: A rejoinder to Sandra Fredman

I.CON: Debate!

Anna Södersten, The (dis)establishment of gender: Care and gender roles in the family as a constitutional matter: A reply to Ruth Rubio Marín

Ruth Rubio Marín,  The (dis)establishment of gender: Care and gender roles in the family as a constitutional matter: A rejoinder to Anna Södersten

Critical Review of Governance

Peter Hilpold, Quotas as an instrument of burden-sharing in international refugee law: The many facets of an instrument still in the making

Mathias Möschel, Race in French “republican” law: The case of Gens du voyage and Roma

 Book Reviews

Andrew Arato. Post Sovereign Constitution Making: Learning and Legitimacy (Richard Mailey)

Jan-Werner Müller. What is Populism? (Juan F. González Bertomeu and Maria Paula Saffon)

Michael W. Dowdle and Michael A. Wilkinson (eds.). Constitutionalism Beyond Liberalism (Tejas Parasher)

Yaniv Roznai. Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendments (Thomas Wischmeyer)

 Scott Stephenson. From Dialogue to Disagreement in Comparative Rights Constitutionalism (Claudia Geiringer)

Jiří Přibáň. Sovereignty in Post-Sovereign Society: A Systems Theory of European Constitutionalism (Jack Meakin)


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