Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

ICON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)

 Volume 15 Issue 2

 Table of Contents



Rodrigo Álvarez. The times they are a-changin’ . . .: Challenges in Latin America


Daniel Brinks and Abby Blass, Rethinking judicial empowerment: The new foundations of constitutional justice

Juliano Zaiden Benvindo, The forgotten people in Brazilian constitutionalism: Revisiting strategic behavior analyses of regime transitions

Symposium: Democracy and Regional Human Rights Courts: Enemies, Allies, or Both?

Andreas Follesdal, Democracy and Regional Human Rights Courts: An Introduction

Andreas Follesdal, Exporting the margin of appreciation: Lessons for the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Leiry Cornejo Chavez, New remedial responses in the practice of regional human rights courts: Purposes beyond compensation

Marisa Iglesias Vila, Subsidiarity, margin of appreciation and international adjudication from a cooperative conception of human rights

I.CON: Debate!

Jorge Contesse, The final word? Constitutional dialogue and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Paolo G. Carozza and Pablo González, The final word? Constitutional dialogue and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: A Reply to Jorge Contesse

Jorge Contesse, The final word? Constitutional dialogue and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights: A rejoinder to Paolo Carozza and Pablo González

Critical Review of Governance

Jorge González-Jácome, From abusive constitutionalism to a multilayered understanding of constitutionalism. Lessons from Latin America

Sergio Verdugo, Birth and decay of the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal (1970-1973). The irony of a wrong electoral prediction

Critical Review of Jurisprudence

Luis Roberto Barroso, Juliano Zaiden Benvindo and Aline Osorio, Developments in Brazilian constitutional law: The year 2016 in review

Derek O’Brien, Developments in the Commonwealth Caribbean: The year 2016 in review

Book Reviews

Diana Kapiszewski, High Courts and Economic Governance in Argentina and Brazil (Paula Gorzoni)

Marcus André Melo & Carlos Pereira. Making Brazil Work: Checking the President in a Multiparty System (Virgílio Afonso da Silva)

Adriana Vidal de Oliveira. Constituição e Direito das Mulheres: Uma Análise dos Esterótipos de Gênero na Assembleia Constituinte e suas consequências no Texto Constitucional (Marcia Nina Bernardes)

Thamy Pogrebinschi, Judicialização ou representação?: Política, direito e democracia no Brasil (Monaliza O. da Silva)

Alberto F. Garay. La doctrina del precedente en la Corte Suprema (Santiago Legarre)

Santiago Legarre. Obligatoriedad atenuada de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (Alberto B. Bianchi)

Marcial Antonio Rubio Correa. El Test de Proporcionalidad en la Jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Peruano (Maria Bertel)

César Rodríguez Garavito y Diana Rodríguez Franco. Cortes y Cambio Social. Cómo la Corte Constitucional Transformó el Desplazamiento Forzado en Colombia; César Rodríguez-Garavito and Diana Rodríguez-Franco. Radical Deprivation on Trial. The Impact of Judicial Activism on Socioeconomic Rights in the Global South (Julio Ríos-Figueroa)

Diego E. López-Medina. Eslabones del Derecho; Diego E. López-Medina. El Derecho de los Jueces (Vicente F. Benítez-R.)

Andrea Castagnola & Saul Lopez Noriega (eds.). Judicial Politics in Mexico: The Supreme Court and the Transition to Democracy (Mariana Velasco Rivera)

Patricio Zapata Larraín. La casa de todos. La Nueva Constitución que Chile merece y necesita (José Manuel Díaz de Valdés J.)

Roberto Gargarella, The Legal Foundations of Inequality: Constitutionalism in the Americas, 1776–1860 (Joel Colón-Ríos)

Jeffrey Davis. Seeking Human Rights Justice in Latin America. Truth, Extra-Territorial Courts, and the Process of Justice (Marcela Prieto R.)

Daniel Bonilla Maldonado (ed.). Constitutionalism of the Global South (Roberto Gargarella)

Roberto Gargarella. Castigar al Prójimo. Por una Refundación Democrática del Derecho Penal (Rocío Lorca Ferreccio)

Fernando Atria. La Forma del Derecho (Martín Hevia and Felipe Jiménez)


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