Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I.CON’s current issue (Table of Contents)


 Volume 12 Issue 3

 Table of Contents



Robert Alexy, Formal principles: Some replies to critics

Jan Komárek, National constitutional courts in the European constitutional democracy

Nicole Scicluna, Politicization without democratization: How the Eurozone crisis is transforming EU law and politics

Jeff King, Two ironies about American exceptionalism over social rights


Symposium: The changing landscape of German constitutional theory

Christoph Möllers and Hannah Birkenkötter, Towards a new conceptualism in comparative constitutional law, or reviving the German tradition of the Lehrbuch

Michaela Hailbronner, Rethinking the rise of the German Constitutional Court: From anti-Nazism to value formalism

Niels Petersen, The German Constitutional Court and legislative capture

Emanuel V. Towfigh, Empirical arguments in public law doctrine: Should empirical legal studies make a “doctrinal turn”?

Oliver Lepsius, The quest for middle-range theories in German public law


I·CON: Debate!

David Bilchitz, Socio-economic rights, economic crisis and legal doctrine

Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene Fotiadou, Socio-economic rights, economic crisis, and legal doctrine: A reply to David Bilchitz.

David Bilchitz, Socio-economic rights, economic crisis, and legal doctrine: a rejoinder to Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene Fotiadou


Critical Review of Global Governance

Jaclyn L. Neo, What’s in a name? Malaysia’s “Allah” controversy and the judicial intertwining of Islam with ethnic identity


Review Essays

Christian Joerges, “Brother can you paradigm?”

Suryapratim Roy, Privileging (some forms of) interdisciplinarity and interpretation: Methods in comparative law


Book Reviews

Haider Ala Hamoudi. Negotiating in Civil Conflict. Constitutional Construction and Imperfect Bargaining in Iraq; Zaid Al-Ali. The Struggle for Iraq’s Future. How Corruption, Incompetence and Sectarianism Have Undermined Democracy (Andrew Arato)

Michael Herz and Peter Molnar (eds). The Content and Context of Hate Speech: Rethinking Regulation and Responses  (Aryeh Neier)

Andrea Bianchi and Anne Peters (eds). Transparency in International Law  (Ulrich K. Preuß)

David Schneiderman. Resisting Economic Globalization. Critical Theory and International Investment Law (Ricardo Campos)

Marc Jacob. Precedents and Case-based Reasoning in the European Court of Justice. (Mehrdad Payandeh)

Christopher Adolph, Bankers, Bureaucrats and Central Bank Politics. The Myth of Neutrality (Anne-Caroline Hüser)


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