Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

I·CON’s Current Issue (Table of Contents)


 Volume 14 Issue 3

 Table of Contents



Ruth Rubio-Marín, Women in Europe and in the world: The state of the Union 2016


Joshua Braver, Hannah Arendt in Venezuela: The Supreme Court battles Hugo Chávez over the creation of the 1999 Constitution

Robert Leckey, The harms of remedial discretion

Symposium: All Emperors? On the Constituent Power of Unbound Constitutionalism

Antje Wiener and Stefan Oeter, Introduction: Who recognizes the emperor’s clothes anymore?

Markus Patberg, Against democratic intergovernmentalism. The case for a theory of constituent power in thglobal realm

Nele Noesselt, Contested global order(s): Rising powers and the re-legitimation of global constitutionalization

Nico Krisch, Pouvoir constituant and pouvoir irritant in the postnational order

Hauke Brunkhorst, Constituent power and constitutionalization in Europe

Mattias Kumm, Constituent power, cosmopolitan constitutionalism and post-positivist law

I.CON: Debate!

Sandra Fredman, Substantive equality revisited

Catharine A. MacKinnon, Substantive equality revisited: A reply to Sandra Fredman

Sandra Fredman, Substantive equality revisited: A rejoinder to Catharine MacKinnon

Critical Review of Governance

Erin Delaney, Searching for constitutional meaning in institutional design: The debate over judicial appointments in the United Kingdom

Review Essay

Katharina Isabel Schmidt, When limits produced strength: Kevin Butterfield on law and associationalism in the early United States. Review of Kevin Butterfield. The Making of Tocqueville’s America—Law and Association in the Early United States

Book Reviews

Mads Andenas and Eirik Bjorge (eds). A Farewell to Fragmentation: Reassertion and Convergence in International Law (Jed Odermatt)

Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Federal Trade Commission Privacy Law and Policy (Bilyana Petkova)


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