Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Egypt suspends constitutional assembly

Egypt’s muddled constitution-making process continues to befuddle. Yesterday the Supreme Administrative Court suspended the constituent assembly as unrepresentative and in violation of Article 60 of the constitutional declaration passed in 2011. The decision, which carried no explanation, is a bit puzzling as Article 60 does not provide any criteria for membership of the 100-member assembly. Rather, it is simply procedural, describing the appointment process in general terms and the timeline for drafting and adoption.

The court case resulted from parliament’s decision to select the assembly itself, and to populate half the seats with its own membership. An Advisory Council of Supreme Council of the Armed Forces criticized parliament’s decision in this regard. Secular and liberal groups had already boycotted the assembly, as had Al-Azhar mosque. So now it is back to the drawing board.

Next steps, anyone?


2 responses to “Egypt suspends constitutional assembly”

  1. Andrew Arato Avatar
    Andrew Arato

    It is a political decision perhaps, but an important one.

    The Brothers made several important mistakes, to say the least.

    Waht is needed is a negotiated agreement on principles, a representative drafting body, and consensual decision making. Not majority rule, in other words, always wrong for the constituent process.

  2. Andrew Arato Avatar
    Andrew Arato

    Anyone interested can have my piece on this subject, re Egypt.

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