Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

What’s New in Public Law

Mikołaj Wolanin, Master’s student, University of Warsaw (Poland)

In this weekly feature, I-CONnect publishes a curated reading list of developments in public law. “Developments” may include a selection of links to news, high court decisions, new or recent scholarly books and articles, and blog posts from around the public law blogosphere.

To submit relevant developments for our weekly feature on “What’s New in Public Law,” please email

Developments in Constitutional Courts

  1. On June 18th the Constitutional Court of Thailand will hear two cases: one against Thai Prime Minister and one conerning the disbandment of the oppositional party.
  2. Polish Tribunal of State will now have the compositions of judges in cases determined by drawing lots.
  3. U.S. Supreme Court ruled on a case concerning chemical abortion pill.
  4. Court of Justice of the European Union delcared a failure of Hungary to comply with the Court’s judgment and ordered it to pay milions of euro.
  5. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Azerbaijan violated the freedom of information by blocking several news webpages.

In the News

  1. From 13th to 15th June the G7 summit had been taking place in Italy.
  2. The Senate of Argentina voted in favour of the presidential reform, despite protests and usage of water canons by the police.
  3. French President announced the postponement of the electoral reform in New Caledonia.
  4. A number of the cabinet members in Greece have been replaced after the results of the EP elections.
  5. Polish Sejm adopted the bill allowing the usage of the postal ballot for everyone in various types of elections.

New Scholarship

  1. von Bogdandy A. et al., The Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System, Oxford University Press 2024.
  2. Guimarães Piacenti L., Borges de Oliveira A.E., Ryndack J.M., The Structuralist Study of Constitutional Law: a New Paradigm in Teaching Law, “Przegląd Prawa Konstytucyjnego” 2024, issue 2.
  3. Petrov J., How to Detect Abusive Constitutional Practices, “European Constitutional Law Review” forthcoming.
  4. Martin N., Huefner S., State Legislative Vetoes: An Unwelcome Resurgence, “Harvard Journal on Legislation” 2024, vol. 61, issue 2.
  5. Kent A., Executive Power, the Royal Prerogative, and the Founders’ Presidency, “Journal of American Constitutional History” 2024, vol. 2, issue 2.

Calls for Papers and Announcements

  1. The submissions for the Global Summit on Constitutionalism (March 20th—22th 2025) are now welcomed (deadline for abstracts: November 4th).
  2. XXI Conference of Young Scholars of International Legal Studies planned for December 5th—6th 2024 is open for abstracts with the deadline set on June 20th.
  3. Up to June 30th one may submit an abstract for this year’s Critical Legal Conference.
  4. University of Warsaw invites PhD and last year master’s students to apply for the “Human Rights, Sustainability and Social Justice” summer school planned for September this year. Applications should be sent up to the mid of July.
  5. South Asia International Economic Law Network will host its fourth biennial conference in Sri Lanka on December 2024. In case of interest, one may send an abstract up to the July 30th.

Elsewhere Online

  1. Parth V., The Electoral Bond Scheme and Free & Fair Elections in India, IACL-AIDC Blog.
  2. Cocchiara E., The Proposed Psychological Tests for Judges in Italy, Verfassungsblog.
  3. Zirulia S., Waiting for Kinsa, Verfassungsblog.
  4. Thin S., The Questionable “Extraterritoriality” of Switzerland’s Jurisdiction in the Semenya Case (ECtHR), EJIL:Talk!.
  5. Abrahams F., Ristic M., In Serbia, Justice Overruled: 25 Years after NATO Intervention, a Pass for Atrocity Crimes, OpinioJuris.


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