Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

What’s New in Public Law

Anubhav Kumar, Advocate & Researcher, Supreme Court of India 

In this weekly feature, I-CONnect publishes a curated reading list of developments in public law. “Developments” may include a selection of links to news, high court decisions, new or recent scholarly books and articles, and blog posts from around the public law blogosphere. To submit relevant developments for our weekly feature on “What’s New in Public Law,” please email

Developments in Constitutional Courts

  1. India’s Supreme Court expands scope of abortion law to allow single woman to end 24-week pregnancy.
  2. Supreme Court to issue separate rulings on affirmative action in college admissions.
  3. Supreme Court of Canada rules on scope of Charter right to counsel when in police detention
  4. Bulgarian Constitutional Court strikes down appointment of utilities regulator chief
  5. South Korean Constitutional court bars mobile carriers from sharing public’s data with authorities
  6. Constitutional Court dismisses appeal in the allocation of adequate and equitable police resources

In the News

  1. Former US President, Donald Trump’s ex-adviser Bannon convicted of contempt of U.S. Congress.
  2. Indonesia’s Constitutional court rejects call to legalise medicinal marijuana
  3. Lawyers for Busisiwe Mkhwebane have write to President Cyril Ramaphosa to have him testify before Parliament’s Section 194 inquiry.
  4. Hundreds protest against Tunisia draft constitution as vote looms
  5. Supreme Court blocks Biden immigration policy on deportation.

New Scholarship

  1. David Schultz and Jurij Toplak, Routledge Handbook of Election Law ( 2022) (exploring constitutional and legal aspects of elections and electoral disputes in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Africa and Australia)
  2. Lydia Tiede, Judicial Vetoes Decision-making on Mixed Selection Constitutional Courts (2022) (arguing that, under mixed selection, institutions choose different types of judges who represent different approaches to constitutional adjudication and thus have different propensities for striking down laws.)
  3. Vasabjit Banarjee and Sean P Webeck, Civil–Military Relations: Through a Perilous Lens (2022) (On what can we learn about civil-military relations by seeking to better understand the relationship between political institutions and the politicization of the military and argue that this accounts for the perils that exist within separation of powers (i.e., presidential) systems)
  4. Alexa Z. Chew and Rachel Gurvich, Saying the Quiet Parts Out Loud: Teaching Students How Law School Works (2022) (A teaching method as response to the disconnect law students noticed in curricula of law schools in terms of racial and other inequalities )
  5. Penelope Andrews, A Commission on Recognition and Reconstruction for the United States: Inspirational or Illusory? (2022) (Exploring the idea to establish a Commission on Recognition and Reconstruction (CRR) to comprehensively confront the ongoing challenges to racial justice in the US and envisaging the CRR as an adjunct to, and not a replacement for, the several measures currently being undertaken in law and policy to address these challenges.)
  6. Ferran Requejo, Marc Sanjaume-Calvet, Defensive Federalism Protecting Territorial Minorities from the “Tyranny of the Majority” (Forthcoming) (exploring the concept of defensive federalism as a protection of self- government against the “tyranny of the majority”)

Calls for Papers and Announcement

  1. The Hertie School invites applications and nominations for the Michael Endres Visiting Professorship for the Academic Year 2023/24 starting Sept 2023. Deadline is 1 Sept 2022.
  2. The Charles and Louise Travers Department of Political Science in the College of Letters and Science at the University of California, Berkeley invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor faculty position in political science, with preference for scholars who work in the areas of: Women and Politics, Public Law, Environmental Politics, IR, Formal Theory, Chinese Politics, or with a focus on institutions.
  3. Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London calls for scholars to participate in a sustained 3 week interdisciplinary and international conversation on equality, law and social justice to be held in London from 19th June to 9th July 2023. Details are available here.
  4. The “XVII. International Constitutional Law and Legal Institutions Conference” invites participation of leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world to submit original research contributions for its conference to be held on January 16-17, 2023 Zurich, Switzerland
  5. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Commonwealth Professional Fellowships 2022-23. Details are available here.

Elsewhere Online

  1. Samer Alnasir, Iraq Urgently Needs a Real Constitution, IACL-AIDC Blog
  2. Marko Milanovic, Assessing the Authority of the ICRC Customary IHL Study, EJIL Talk
  3. Callixte Kavuro, Gender Inequality: The Vulnerabilities of Women under the Asylum System, African Law Matters
  4. Lewis Graham, Empirical work in Judicial Review: A rejoinder, UK Constitutional Law Association
  5. Dinesha Samararatne, The People in the Palace, Verfassungsblog
  6. Christine Savino, The Increased Imperative for International Law Protections Regarding Climate Induced Migration, Oxford Human Rights Hub
  7. David Renton, Why the law alone won’t save us – or the planet, Open Democracy
  8. Anushka Pardikar, Workplace harassment: Sensitization on PoSH act isn’t a priority for government institutes, shows RTI reply, The Analysis


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