Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

The Latest at Ius Publicum Network Review

Gabriella M. Racca, University of Turin

I-CONnect and IUS Publicum Network Review are pleased to partner together to deepen the study of comparative public law and to enhance its online coverage.

The IUS Publicum Network Review is a network of the national leading public and administrative law journals in Europe, whose aim is to track and interpret the evolution of public law in each country involved, pointing out its influences on the construction of an administrative and public European law and its connections with other legal cultures.

Issue 2-2015 of the Ius Publicum Nework Review is now online and Issue 1-2015 is also now complete! The articles and the reports are available at the links below. The article on “Il reclutamento universitario nella realtà federale tedesca” by Cristina Fraenkel-Haeberle (Issue 2-2015) and the article on “Academic Recruitment in Italy: an Overview for Foreigners” by Antonio Banfi (Issue 1-2015) are parts of a broader initiative to introduce comparative analysis of the academic recruitment legal frameworks for University professors in several EU Countries. A previous article on the Spanish experience was included in Issue 2-2014: Rafael Caballero Sánchez – La selección del profesorado universitario en España. Further articles on this topic will be published in future issues of the Ius Publicum Nework Review.

Issue 2-2015 – Ius Publicum Nework Review 


Issue 1-2015 Ius Publicum Nework Review 



Construction, city planning and zoning – Espropriation/Taking

Administrative Justice

Judicial review and remedies


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