Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Codification

  • I-CONnect Symposium on “Constitutional Boundaries”

    —Richard Albert, The University of Texas at Austin This week, I-CONnect will host an online symposium on “Constitutional Boundaries,” the subject of a Workshop convened by Farrah Ahmed (Melbourne), Adam Perry (Oxford) and me at Melbourne Law School with the support of Allen Myers Oxford-MLS Research Partnership.

  • A Constitutional Reform Project for New Zealand

    —Leonid Sirota, AUT Law School Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler, now both barristers with an academic past, the former also once an Attorney-General, Justice Minister, and briefly Prime Minister, have published a book arguing that New Zealand needs for a codified, entrenched constitution for New Zealand ― something the country famously lacks at present.

  • Invitation to Friends of I-CONnect: Symposium on “Does Québec Need a Written Constitution?”

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School Friends of I-CONnect are invited to attend a full-day symposium on “Does Québec Need a Written Constitution,” on Thursday, March 31, at Yale University. The program is structured around three panels and a keynote address by former Québec premier Jean Charest, whose cabinet considered codifying a constitution for the province.

  • Why Codify?

    —Adam Perry, Lecturer in Law, Queen Mary University of London Britain is always tinkering with its constitution. Sometimes it talks about a more radical change: constitutional codification. Over the past few years, talk of constitutional codification has grown a little more serious.

  • Constitutional Politics of Institutions: The Call for a British Constitution

    —Susan M. Sterett, Virginia Tech A written constitution for Britain is even making the American news again, inspired not least by the debates about independence, with the anniversary of the Magna Carta adding continuity and contrast.[1]  American news describes the call for a written constitution as a response to immediate problems.