Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Meet the Team that Brings You “What’s New in Public Law”

Richard Albert, The University of Texas at Austin

We published the very first edition of “What’s New” over four years ago on January 5, 2014. Its format today is largely unchanged, and its purpose has remained the same: to update our readers on developments in public law around the world from the previous week. Developments include news from constitutional and supreme courts, new scholarship in public law, calls for papers, and highlights from around the blogosphere.

As we begin the second half of 2018, our readers have surely noticed the new names identified as authors of our weekly “What’s New” feature.

In this post–which doubles as a very big THANK YOU to our “What’s New” authors–we invite you to get to know the members of our fabulous team. They are the ones who produce the weekly reports, and they are the ones to whom we owe immense thanks for the great service they do for the field. Their bios are listed below.

As a reminder, we welcome your submissions of items to include in “What’s New.” Please send them by email to We require weblinks for all submissions; we do not upload documents, whether in PDF, Word or otherwise.

Mohamed Abdelaal is an Assistant Professor of Law at Alexandria University Faculty of Law in Alexandria, Egypt and Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Indiana Robert H McKinney School of Law in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. He focuses his teaching and scholarship on the areas of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Comparative Law, and Islamic Law. Abdelaal has published widely on constitutional law and comparative law and he served as a presenter and panelist in several law conferences and workshops in USA. Meanwhile, he is licensed to practice law in Egypt and he is admitted as a certified arbitrator under the Egyptian Law. He is also a permanent member of the Egyptian American Rule of Law Association (EARLA), Washington D.C., and has been invited for three consecutive years (2012-2013-2014) to serve as an Egyptian expert to draft the Rule of Law Index Report sponsored by the World Justice Project (WJP).

Davide Bacis is a PhD candidate in Constitutional Law at the University of Pavia and he is currently a teaching assistant at Bocconi University in Milan, where he graduated in 2015. His current research is mainly focusing on the development of the right to the truth from both a national and a supranational perspective. His research interests also include the protection of human rights at a supranational level, human rights violation in the context of counter-terrorism measures and illegal immigration, on which he published an essay in 2017.

Vicente F. Benitez R. is a J.S.D. student at New York University (NYU). He holds an LL.M in Legal Theory from NYU (as Arthur T. Vanderbilt Scholar 2016-2017), and a Master in Constitutional Law from La Sabana University (Colombia) where he is full-time Constitutional Law Professor. Vicente has been visiting professor at several Colombian universities, and constitutional advisor to the Colombian Public Ministry and to the Colombian Judiciary. Vicente’s research interests focus on judicial politics, comparative constitutional law, and constitutional theory.  

Monica Cappelletti is a post-doctoral researcher in public comparative law in ASGARD, the EU Project, at Dublin City University (DCU). Her research deals with Data Protection issues in the Security and Surveillance Domains, focusing on the relationship between the protection of fundamental rights and policing activities. She is also an affiliated staff member of the DCU BREXIT Institute, and teaches International Human Rights Law. Her current research topics are data protection rights, data protection in public sector (healthcare and security/surveillance), human rights law, law and new technologies. A selection of her publications are available here.

Angélique Devaux is a French Qualified Attorney (Diplômée Notaire) at Cheuvreux Notaires in Paris, France, where she assists international clients in real estate transactions and estate planning. She began her international career in the UK as a French lawyer in a solicitors law firm, before working in a large firm of notaires for six years in Paris specializing in family law with cross-border issues, and then moving to the U.S for another six years. She is also an LL.M. American law graduate at Indiana University Robert McKinney School of Law, where she co-taught comparative law and has been giving lectures in French and European Law. She has authored several articles in comparative law, and essentially focuses her research on International Family Law, International Private Law (Conflict of Laws), Trusts and Estates, and Comparative Law.

Šimon Drugda is an MSt/MPhil student at the University of Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies (CSLS). He will soon begin doctoral studies in law at the University of Copenhagen. He holds degrees in Law from Comenius University in Bratislava (Bc.), Slovakia, and Nagoya University (LL.M.) in Japan. Simon spent a semester studying in Norway at the University of Bergen and won a Japanese govt scholarship as the only Master/PhD researcher in Slovakia for the year 2015. His research interests include judicial studies, socio-legal research, and electoral disputes. Simon is a co-editor of the Global Review project.

Chiara Graziani is a PhD student in Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Genoa, Italy and she is Teaching Assistant at Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, where she graduated magna cum laude in 2016. Her main research interests are in the field of human rights, national security and counter-terrorism measures. However, from a comparative perspective, she also investigates other constitutional law-related topics, e.g. the constitutional implications of Brexit, on which she published an essay in 2017. Chiara spent study and research periods at the London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London, UK and at the University of Valencia, Spain.

Mauricio A. Guim is an S.J.D. Candidate and Presidential Fellow in Data Science at the University of Virginia School of Law. Prior to joining the S.J.D. Program at UVA, Mauricio was visiting scholar in the Inter-American Court on Human Rights. His research interests include Comparative Constitutional, Comparative Administrative Law, Judicial Politics in Domestic and International court and Empirical Legal Studies.

Gaurav Mukherjee is an S.J.D. candidate in Comparative Constitutional Law at the Central European University, Budapest (CEU), working under the supervision of Professor Renáta Uitz. His doctoral project concerns dialogic forms of judicial review in socioeconomic rights disputes in India, Kenya, Colombia, and South Africa. In 2017, Gaurav worked with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee on a proposed reform to include non-custodial sanctions in the Hungarian criminal law relating to petty offences. Gaurav is currently the Regional Correspondent for India at the Oxford Human Rights Hub. He has served on the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Constitutional Law in 2011-12, as the Notes Editor for the Jindal Global Law Review in 2009-10, as well as a consulting editor for LexisNexis Butterworths in 2013.

Nausica Palazzo is a PhD candidate in Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Trento, and a Fulbright Fellow at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, for the a.y. 2017-2018. As to her work experience, she lectured at Bocconi University, Milan, on Constitutional Law, trained public bodies on anti-corruption law through Transparency International Italia, and worked as a lawyer. Her dissertation focuses on the allocation of social and tax benefits to non-marital relationships in Canada, U.S., and Europe. She published both in Italian and English on subjects related to Antidiscrimination Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, and Administrative Law.

Maja Sahadžić is a researcher, lecturer, and expert legal advisor. At present, she is a doctoral researcher at the Government and Law research group at the Faculty of Law, the University of Antwerp. Her research is titled “Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems.” Her work experience includes earlier academic positions at the universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and the United States of America. She has also worked as a lawyer and journalist. So far, she has published over fifty books, book chapters and papers in journals and conference proceedings, within the field of constitutional law, international law, diplomacy, and security (the selection of publications available here).

Sandeep Suresh is a full-time faculty member at Jindal Global Law School (India). He taught Law of Tort and Criminal Procedure during the Fall Term of 2017-18 academic year. He completed his LL.M. (Comparative Constitutional Law) from Central European University, Budapest (Hungary) in June 2017. Prior the LL.M, he graduated B.A. (Hons.), LL.B (Hons.) from National Law University, Jodhpur (India) in 2015. In his research projects, he mainly focuses on judicial process, rights vs. duties debates, and separation of powers. He is also concerned with reforms in legal education and teaching pedagogy as well.


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