—Richard Albert, William Stamps Farish Professor in Law and Professor of Government, The University of Texas at Austin
We are pleased to continue our practice of inviting our readers to express an interest in reviewing books in public law here at I-CONnect. The books we have received this purpose is available below.

- Benito Alaez Corral (ed.), Conflictos de derechos fundamentales en el espacio publico (Marcial Pons 2017)
- Richard Albert, Carlos Bernal & Juliano Zaiden Benvindo, Constitutional Change and Transformation in Latin America (Hart 2019)
- Richard Albert, Paul Daly & Vanessa MacDonnell, The Canadian Constitution in Transition (University of Toronto Press 2019)
- George Anderson and Sujit Choudhry (eds.), Territory and Power in Constitutional Transitions (Oxford University Press 2019)
- Vito Breda (ed), Legal Transplants in East Asia and Oceania (Cambridge University Press 2019)
- Jose Luis Garcia Guerrero and Maria Luz Martinez Alarcon (eds), Constitucionalizando la Globalizacion, Volumes 1 and 2 (Tirant lo Blanch 2019)
- Oliver Gerstenberg, Euroconstitutionalism and its Discontents (Oxford University Press 2018)
- Ron Levy, Hoi Kong, Graeme Orr & Jeff King (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Deliberative Constitutionalism (Cambridge University Press 2018)
- Carissima Mathen, Courts Without Cases: The Law and Politics of Advisory Opinions (Hart 2019)
- Piotr Mikuli, Natalie Fox & Radoslaw Puchta, Ministers of Justice in Comparative Perspective (Eleven International Publishing 2019)
- William Phelan, Great Judgments of the European Court of Justice (Cambridge University Press 2019)
- Jorge Ernesto Roa Roa, Control de Constitucionalidad Deliberativo (Externado University Press 2019)
- Wojciech Sadurski, Poland’s Constitutional Breakdown (Oxford University Press 2019)
Please register your interest here by August 2, 2019, if you would like to review one of these books. A confirmation will follow. Preference will be given to early-career scholars and first-time I-CONnect contributors.