Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

ICON-S Council Elections—Call for Nominations

–Lorenzo Casini and Rosalind Dixon, Co-Presidents, ICON-S

To the ICON-S Community:

The state of the Society is strong, and a major reason why is our active and engaged membership.

We are pleased to announce plans to continue renewing the Society’s Council with an infusion of new members directly elected by our membership. The 2018 ICON-S Council elections will follow our inaugural elections held last year in 2017, when the Society’s membership elected eight (8) new Council members.

This year we will invite the membership to elect six (6) new Council members, each to serve a three-year non-renewable term.

The 2018 ICON-S Council elections will proceed in two phases: first, nomination; and second, election.

We are writing now to invite you to nominate suitable candidates for Council membership. Membership on the Council is a position of high distinction, entailing responsibility for the intellectual guidance of the Society, advising the Executive Committee, and representing the interests of the membership.

More information about the Society’s governing bodies, including the existing membership of the Council can be viewed here:

Nominations should be submitted via email to ICON-S at the following email address no later than October 25, 2018, 10pm GMT:

Nominations should include the nominee’s name, academic title, institutional affiliation, history of participation in and involvement with ICON-S, and a weblink to a CV or profile. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nominations will be reviewed by the Executive Committee by November 5, 2018, and the names selected will then be submitted to the entire membership of the Society for electronic voting.

Elections will be held online from December 1, 2018 to December 11, 2018, following the same electoral procedure used in 2017:

  1. Voting will open to the entire ICON-S membership on December 1, 2018 at 12pm GMT and will close on December 11, 2018 at 10pm GMT.
  2. Each member of the Society may vote only once for up to six (6) of the candidates on the list of candidates.
  3. To promote regional diversity consistent with the Society’s mission to be open to all, each member may vote for up to but no more than two (2) candidates from institutions based in the same country.
  4. To promote balanced gender composition consistent with the Society’s recognition of the importance of diversity—a principle approved by the Executive Committee and Council at the 2016 annual meeting—each member may vote for up to but no more than three (3) candidates of each gender.
  5. Any vote inconsistent with any of these conditions will be void.
  6. Following the voting period, the list of successful candidates will be approved by the Society’s Executive Committee, and the results will be announced shortly thereafter.

We thank you for your enthusiastic support of the Society, and we look forward to continuing to build the Society consistent with our mission.


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