Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Fiji’s Continuing Constitutional Crisis

Richard Albert, Boston College Law School

In the latest twist in Fiji’s continuing constitutional crisis, the Fijian military government has rejected the new draft constitution proposed by the Constitution Commission. It is believed that the military rejected the draft constitution because the draft proposed dramatically to curb the powers of the military. The military government has pledged to produce its own draft constitution no later than February.

The Commission–which consists of academics, activists and politicians–had been appointed earlier in July 2012 to write a draft constitution to be considered by a Constituent Assembly.

The draft of the rejected constitution is available here, and its accompanying explanatory report is available here.

I-CONnect’s Tom Ginsburg has kept us informed about Fiji’s continuing constitutional crisis in a series of posts over the past few years. They provide very useful background to the present developments in Fiji. Here are the posts in chronological order: April 2009; December 2009; and January 2012.


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