Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Call for Submissions: Special Committee on Comparative Law and the Social Sciences

Richard Albert, Boston College Law School

The American Society of Comparative Law is hoping to build closer and more fruitful scholarly and professional connections with the social sciences.

To that end, David Gerber, the president of the Society, has recently created a “Special Committee on Comparative Law and the Social Sciences.” The principal task of the Special Committee will be to produce a report outlining recommendations for how the Society can become better integrated with, and indeed of greater interest to and more inclusive of, scholars in the social sciences. This is consistent with the Society’s increasing effort to promote interdisciplinarity in the study of comparative law.

The work of this Special Committee is relevant for the entire field of comparative law, not only for the American Society of Comparative Law. Should you have any suggestions, thoughts, comments or recommendations for the Special Committee as it prepares it report, please send them by email to the Rapporteur for the committee, Joshua Braver (joshua.braver[at]

The members of the committee follow below:

Richard Albert (Boston College) (Chair)
Tom Ginsburg (Chicago)
Ran Hirschl (Toronto)
Katerina Linos (Berkeley)
Kim Lane Scheppele (Princeton)
Holger Spamann (Harvard)
Mila Versteeg (Virginia)


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