Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Call for Papers–“What can Central and Eastern Europe Learn from the Development of Canada’s Constitutional System?”–Budapest, Hungary–28 June 2017

Call for Papers

International Symposium on 
What can Central and Eastern Europe Learn from the Development of Canada’s Constitutional System?

On the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of Confederation

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Faculty of Law
Egyetem tér 1-3.
Budapest, Hungary

28 June 2017

Convened by
Pál Sonnevend
Nóra Chronowski
Eszter Bodnár
Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

This Symposium will convene a group of scholars to reflect on the history and evolution of the Constitution of Canada, on its written and unwritten dimensions and on its influence abroad taken on a wide perspective.

Submissions are invited from scholars of all levels – from senior scholars to doctoral students (especially from the Central and Eastern European region) – on one or more of the following subjects. We invite participants to take any methodological approach they wish, including comparative, doctrinal, empirical, historical and/or theoretical perspectives.

  1. The History and Evolution of the Constitution of Canada
  2. The Influence Abroad of the Constitution of Canada on Constitutional Practice
  3. The Influence Abroad of the Constitution of Canada on Constitutional Culture

The Symposium will be highlighted by keynote addresses of Jeremy Webber, Professor and Dean of Law at the University of Victoria and Richard Albert, Professor at Boston College Law School.

How to Participate

Interested scholars are asked to submit an abstract no longer than 500 words by 10 May 2017 to A Symposium Selection Committee will choose abstracts and notify all scholars no later than 15 May 2017. Full drafts of papers will be due by email to no later than 14 June 2017. Papers should be no longer than 10,000 words (footnotes included).

A selection of papers presented at the Symposium will be published in the ELTE Law Journal, subject to successful blind peer-review.


There is no cost to participate in the Symposium. Participants are responsible for securing their own funding for travel, lodging and other incidental expenses. The Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) will sponsor lunch and dinner on the day of the Symposium.


Please direct inquiries in connection with this Symposium to János Mécs or Veronika Kéri, project assistants at


We thank the Embassy of Canada, Budapest, Hungary for supporting this Symposium.

About the Keynote Speakers

Jeremy Webber

Jeremy Webber is Dean of Law at the University of Victoria (2013 to present). He was appointed a Fellow of the Trudeau Foundation in 2009 and a Fellow of Royal Society of Canada in 2016. From 2002 to 2014 he held the Canada Research Chair in Law and Society at the University of Victoria. Prior to joining UVic, he was Dean of Law at the University of Sydney, Australia (1998-2002) and Professor of Law (and Associate Dean, Graduate Studies and Research) at McGill University (1987-1998).

Professor Webber has written widely in the areas of constitutional law, Indigenous rights, federalism, cultural diversity, and constitutional theory, in Canada and in relation to other countries (especially Australia). His work has been published in six languages in fourteen countries. He is the author of Reimagining Canada: Language, Culture, Community and the Canadian Constitution (1994) and The Constitution of Canada: A Contextual Analysis (2015). He is co-editor of:  Let Right Be Done:  Aboriginal Title, the Calder Case, and the Future of Indigenous Rights (2007; with Hamar Foster and Heather Raven); Between Consenting Peoples:  Political Community and the Meaning of Consent (2010; with Colin Macleod), Storied Communities: Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community (2011, with Hester Lessard and Rebecca Johnson), and Recognition versus Self-Determination: Dilemmas of Emancipatory Politics (2014, with Avigail Eisenberg, Glen Coulthard, and Andrée Boisselle).

Richard Albert

Richard Albert writes about constitutional amendment from comparative, doctrinal, historical and theoretical perspectives. He is currently completing a monograph on constitutional amendment to be published by Oxford University Press. He is also co-editor of “The Foundations and Traditions of Constitutional Amendment (Oxford: Hart 2017), “Canada in the World: Comparative Perspectives on the Canadian Constitution” (Cambridge University Press 2017) and “The Oxford Handbook of Caribbean Constitutions” (Oxford University Press 2018). Since 2014, he is Book Reviews Editor for the American Journal of Comparative Law, which awarded him the Hessel Yntema Prize for “the most outstanding article” on comparative law by a scholar under 40. A former law clerk to the Chief Justice of Canada and a founding co-editor of I-CONnect, he is a graduate of Yale, Harvard and Oxford. Richard Albert is currently a full professor at Boston College Law School, and he has been appointed to the visiting faculty at Yale University, Externado University of Colombia, the University of Toronto, and the Interdisciplinary Center (Herzliya) in Israel.

About the Conveners

Pál Sonnevend 

Pál Sonnevend is Vice-Dean for International Affairs at the ELTE Faculty of Law. He is an Associate Professor of European and International Law and the head of the International Law Department. He also has a remarkable experience in constitutional law, administrative law, energy law and international arbitration. He has been teaching EU law and international law since 1998. Previously, he advised two consecutive presidents of Hungary, His Excellency Mr. Ferenc Mádl and His Excellency Mr. László Sólyom, in constitutional matters.

Nóra Chronowski

Nóra Chronowski is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law, chair-holder of Constitutional Law Department and visiting researcher at Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Social Sciences Institute for Legal Studies in Budapest. She is the author of several books and over 190 articles, editor in chief of “Közjogi Szemle”, a Hungarian public law periodical. She participated in six international research cooperations supported by ERC and European Commission and was Jean Monnet Chair-holder from 2007 to 2010 at University of Pécs Faculty of Law. Her research interests are comparative, EU and Hungarian constitutional law, human rights protection, minority rights.

Eszter Bodnár

Eszter Bodnár has been an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of University Eötvös Loránd (ELTE) in Budapest, Hungary since 2013. She teaches comparative constitutional law, Hungarian constitutional law, and international human rights at the Department for Constitutional Law. She is a legal adviser at the Association of European Election Officials and member of Advisory Board of Head of Supreme Court in Constitutional Matters. She is also a faculty member in the Master of Electoral Policy and Administration program of Scoula Sant’Anna, Pisa. She graduated as a lawyer and worked at the Department of Constitutional Law in the Hungarian Ministry of Justice, and in the Hungarian National Election Office. She obtained her PhD degree in constitutional law in 2013.

Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy

Zoltán Pozsár-Szentmiklósy is an assistant professor of constitutional law at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest. Besides, he has been the Rector’s commissioner-general for student affairs at the same institution, since 2013. He served as the director of the ELTE Bibó István College of Advanced Studies between 2008-2012 and as an elected member of the National Election Commission of Hungary between 2010-2013. Previously he worked as a legal officer of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, an NGO working for the protection of fundamental rights and the enforcement of the rule of law. He obtained his PhD degree in constitutional law in 2014. His research interests are comparative constitutional law, the principle of proportionality and direct democracy.

About the Host Academic Institution

The Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is Hungary’s oldest, largest and most prestigious university. Tuition at the Faculty of Law of ELTE University began in 1667 so this year we celebrate our 350th anniversary. The Faculty of Law maintains wide-ranging international relations primarily with universities in Europe and is proud to be involved in educational and research projects with similar institutions abroad. In recent years, we have placed special emphasis on consolidating ties with universities in neighboring countries to promote intensive regional co-operation in legal education. Find more information on:


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