Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Call for Papers and Panels–Inaugural Conference of the Italian Chapter of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S)

Call for papers and panels
Inaugural conference of the Italian Chapter of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S)
Unity and fragmentation within and beyond the State
(Unità e frammentazione dentro e oltre lo Stato)
Rome, Italy 23-24 November 2018

On the occasion of the inauguration of the Italian Chapter of the International Society of Public Law (ICON-S), we are happy to circulate the call for papers and panels for the first annual conference of the Italian Chapter, on the theme “Unity and fragmentation within and beyond the State”, which will take place in Rome on November 23-24, 2018, featuring a keynote address by Prof. Joseph H.H. Weiler. The full text of the call (Italian version) is available here.

Challenges to political (and legal) unity and cohesion are proliferating both within and beyond state borders. If on the one hand national borders are eroded and trespassed by both people and technologies, as a consequence of globalization, on the other hand they are simultaneously being reinforced, in times of migration, nationalism and secessionist movements. Within state borders, in particular, it is possible to witness conflicts among different levels of government and between center and periphery. What are the effects of these tensions on the constitutional framework? What is the role of political, administrative and judicial institutions? What tools and decision-making techniques are adopted? To what extent the relationship between unity and fragmentation within and beyond the State is affecting rights protection (e.g. health and education)? Which welfare and economic policies are necessary to enhance cohesion within national communities?

In the context of international and supranational organisations, including the European Union, it is possible to observe an increasing systemic fragmentation, whereby different interpretations of common rules are provided by Member States as a way to protect their national constitutional identities. Does this dynamic represent a threat to the European integration project? How much diversity can be tolerated by the Union, without jeopardizing its unity and the effectiveness of its rules?

Possible topics include – but are not limited to – the evolution of the concept of sovereignty; the relationship between international and domestic legal systems; the constitutionalisation of international law and the proliferation of transnational regimes; the identification of national borders and border control; freedom of movement within and beyond the State; nationalism, populism and constitutional powers; the proliferation and fragmentation of the sources of law and regulation.

The conference is open to scholars (including Ph.D. candidates and early career researchers) in the fields of law, political science and economics. Abstracts (800 words) and panel descriptions (1000 words) should be submitted by September 14th, 2018 at Panels can include up to 5 participants (chair/discussant included) and should respect the principles of intergenerationality, interdisciplinarity and gender balance. Successful applicants will be notified by September 30th, 2018.


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