Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: National People’s Congress Standing Committee

  • Legal Limits on Beijing’s Powers of Interpretation?

    [Cross-posted from HKU Legal Scholarship Blog. The original post, published on November, 3, 2016, appears here.] –Cora Chan, Hong Kong University There are speculations that Beijing’s National People’s Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) will issue an interpretation of Hong Kong’s Basic Law to bar two legislators-elect in Hong Kong from taking office.

  • Does Hong Kong Need a Mayor?

    –Alvin Y.H. Cheung, Visiting Scholar, U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law It has been known for about two thousand years that it is impossible for one person to serve two masters. Unfortunately, this lesson was lost on the Drafting Committee of Hong Kong’s Basic Law.

  • Video Interview: Democratic Reform in Hong Kong Featuring Cora Chan

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this installment of our new video interview series at I-CONnect, I interview Cora Chan on the subject of democratic reform in Hong Kong. In the interview, we discuss recent developments in Hong Kong, the impetus for the current protests in Hong Kong, the constitutional relationship between Hong Kong and China,…

  • Occupy Hong Kong: Hong Kong’s Constitutional Moment of 2014 Begins

    —Alvin Y.H. Cheung, Visiting Scholar, U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law 民無信不立。 [If the people have no faith in their rulers, there is no standing for the State.] – The Analects Hong Kong’s long-awaited constitutional confrontation has begun.  In the early morning of September 28, 2014, the Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP) movement…