Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Arab Spring

  • International IDEA Report on Transition in Yemen

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School Readers of I-CONnect will be interested in the following update we have received from Zaid Al-Ali, Senior Adviser on Constitution-Building for the Arab Region at International IDEA. I am very pleased to share our latest report on Yemen, entitled: “Yemen’s peaceful transition from autocracy: Could it have succeeded?”.

  • Kuwait’s Political Adolescence: The Controversies of Constitutional Reform

    —Dr. Fatima AlMatar, Kuwait University, Department of Public Law The political situation of Kuwait today resembles 17th century Britain, where the Amir[1] still has the power to dissolve parliament whenever he pleases so long as he provides a reason for doing so, and so long as the parliament is not dissolved again on the same…

  • Is Social Media a Human Right? Exploring the Scope of Internet Rights

    –Brian Christopher Jones, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institutum Iurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica* Earlier this year Jason Tenenbaum penned an interesting piece for I-CONnect about a general right to access the internet.[1] Mr Tenebaum’s focus on international covenants, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural…

  • Tunisia’s New Constitution: Progress and Challenges to Come

    –Zaid Al-Ali (Senior Advisor, International IDEA) and Donia Ben Romdhane (Senior Advisor, International IDEA) [Cross-posted from Open Democracy] In spite of a number of serious challenges, the Tunisian Constituent Assembly – under the people’s ever watchful eye – successfully negotiated a new and modern constitution.