Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Venezuelan constitution

  • Abusive Constitutionalism and Autocratic Legalism:  Lessons From the Venezuela Presidential Election

    –Jose Ignacio Hernandez, Constitutional and Administrative Law Professor, Catholic University and Central University (Venezuela). Invited Professor, PUCMM (Dominican Republic), Castilla La Mancha and La Coruña (Spain), Senior Associate, Center for Strategical and International Studies. Shortly after midnight on July 29, 2024, the chairman of the Venezuelan electoral management body announced that Nicolás Maduro had been…

  • The Venezuelan Presidential Crisis: A Response

    —Rafael Macía Briedis, Center for Constitutional Democracy, Indiana University Maurer School of Law In a recent I-CONnect blog post, Rolando Seijas-Bolinaga makes the case for the recognition of Juan Guaidó as the sole legitimate President of Venezuela. Although I certainly agree with his conclusions as to the urgency of replacing Nicolás Maduro at the head…

  • The Venezuelan Presidential Crisis

    —Rolando Seijas-Bolinaga, PhD Candidate, University of Cambridge The leader of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, was sworn in as Venezuelan interim President before a crowd on one of Caracas’ largest avenues on January 23. A week before, Nicolas Maduro, was also sworn in as President before members of the Supreme Court.