Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Tribunal Constitucional de Espana

  • Emergency Law in Spain: the Spanish Constitutional Court’s case law

    —Germán M. Teruel Lozano, Lecturer in Constitutional Law, University of Murcia When the Constitution reached its twenty-fifth anniversary, back in 2003, Professor Cruz Villalón highlighted the period of “constitutional normality” that we had lived through. In recent years, that normality has been disturbed by some turbulences that have forced the activation of some exceptional mechanisms…

  • The Spanish Constitutional Tribunal’s Same-Sex Marriage Decision

    —Christina M. Akrivopoulou, Adjunct Lecturer, Democritus University of Thrace The Spanish Constitutional Court, in judgment 198/2012 of November 28, 2012, upheld Law 13/2005, which guarantees same-sex marriage in Spain. Prior to the democratic transition that followed the death of Franco and the end of his dictatorship, Spain was characterized by a very religious and conservative…