Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Term Limits

  • ICON Volume 19, Issue 2: Editorial

    Editorial: The unequal impact of the pandemic on scholars with care responsibilities: What can journals (and others) do?; Guest Editorial: Constitutional innovations: Tackling incumbency advantage/abuse; In this issue The unequal impact of the pandemic on scholars with care responsibilities: What can journals (and others) do?

  • Beyond Term Limits: Restraining Chief Executives in Africa

    —Berihun Adugna Gebeye, Humboldt Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg [Editors’ Note: This is one of our biweekly ICONnect columns. For more information on our four columnists for 2021, please see here.] On 8 March 2021, the Mo Ibrahim Foundation announced that President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger…

  • The Honduran Supreme Court Renders Inapplicable Unamendable Constitutional Provisions

    –Leiv Marsteintredet, Associate Professor in Latin American Area Studies, University of Oslo; Associate Professor in Comparative Politics, University of Bergen In a unanimous judgment on April 22, 2015,[1] the Constitutional Chamber of the Honduran Supreme Court rendered inapplicable and without effect the unamendable provisions in the 1982 Honduran Constitution.

  • The Indonesian Constitutional Court in Crisis over the Chief Justice’s Term Limit

    —Stefanus Hendrianto, Santa Clara University On January 12, 2015, the Indonesian Constitutional Court Justices unanimously elected Arief Hidayat, a lesser-known academic from Diponegoro University, as the new Chief Justice. After his inauguration, Hidayat stated that “the process [of election] was very smooth.”

  • Legislative and Executive Term Limits in Alberta  

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School An important race is underway in Alberta, one of Canada’s ten provinces. In September, paid-up members of the Progressive Conservative Party will elect a new party leader, and the new leader will become the premier of Alberta.

  • An Unconstitutional Constitutional Amendment in Trinidad & Tobago?

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School Two days ago, the House of Representatives in Trinidad & Tobago passed the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2014 by a simple majority. The bill must still pass the Senate by a simple majority and receive presidential assent before becoming law, but neither step is expected to pose a threat to…