Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: right to education

  • The Misguided Judicialization of the Right to Education in Turkey

    —Serkan Yolcu, Visiting Scholar, Boston College Law School On July 13, 2015 the Turkish Constitutional Court annulled — on a 12 to 5 vote — some provisions of a law amending the “Law on Private Teaching Institutions.” The law would have excluded “private tutoring centers” from the scope of “private teaching institutions” and thus closed…

  • Book Review/Response: Katharine Young and Jamal Greene on Economic and Social Rights

    [Editor’s Note: In this installment of I•CONnect’s Book Review/Response Series, Jamal Greene reviews Katharine Young’s recent book Constituting Economic and Social Rights. Katharine Young then responds to the review.] Review by Jamal Greene –Jamal Greene, Columbia Law School, reviewing Katharine Young, Constituting Economic and Social Rights (Oxford 2012) In San Antonio Independent School District v.