Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Right to Die

  • The Right to Assisted Dying in Portugal

    —Teresa Violante, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg [Editor’s Note: This is one of our ICONnect columns. For more on our 2023 columnists, see here.] Assisted dying regimes are increasingly being introduced globally. When the democratic legislature fails to take the initiative, courts have stepped in and pushed for legal reform claiming that this is an issue of…

  • The Ongoing Uncertainty over Irish Law on “The Unborn”: A Comment on P.P. and Health Service Executive

    –Eoin Carolan, University College Dublin, School of Law Controversy has again arisen over Ireland’s laws on the protection of the unborn following the High Court’s decision a few days ago on Friday that it was permissible to withdraw somatic support from a pregnant woman who had been clinically brain dead for over 3 weeks.