Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: New Zealand

  • A Constitutional Reform Project for New Zealand

    —Leonid Sirota, AUT Law School Sir Geoffrey Palmer and Andrew Butler, now both barristers with an academic past, the former also once an Attorney-General, Justice Minister, and briefly Prime Minister, have published a book arguing that New Zealand needs for a codified, entrenched constitution for New Zealand ― something the country famously lacks at present.

  • The Keith Project

    –Juliet Bull, Victoria University of Wellington   Sir Kenneth Keith, ONZ, KBE, QC is a renowned New Zealand Judge currently serving a nine-year term on the bench of the International Court of Justice. The “Keith Project” is a Victoria University of Wellington initiative which will provide access to Sir Kenneth’s extensive body of extra-judicial writing.

  • How Precedent Travels

    –Sam Halabi, University of Tulsa In a recent Article forthcoming in the Notre Dame Journal of International and Comparative Law, “Constitutional Borrowing as Jurisprudential and Political Doctrine in Shri DK Basu v. State of West Bengal”, I explore one aspect of the countermajoritarian difficulty engendered by use of foreign precedent. 

  • The Lord Cooke Project

    –Joel Colon-Rios, Victoria University of Wellington, Faculty of Law The Right Honourable Lord Cooke of Thorndon (1926–2006) is widely regarded as one of the greatest New Zealand judges. He made a monumental contribution to many areas of law across more than five decades of writing, advocacy, and judging.