Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Muslim Brotherhood

  • Egypt’s New Draft Constitution of 2013: An Introduction and Appraisal

    —Mohamed Arafa, Alexandria University (Egypt) and Indiana University McKinney School of Law The Egyptian interim government supported by the Egyptian al–qwaat al–mosellaa(h) (military) recently released the new draft Egyptian Constitutional Charter. This draft Constitution is intended to replace, via amendment, the more Islamist–oriented de facto 2012 Constitution established during the recent reign of the Muslim…

  • What Constitutional Future for Syria?

    —Zoran Oklopcic (Carleton University) & Mohamad Ghossein (University of Ottawa) As the discourse of military intervention in Syria gradually subsides, and a political solution to the conflict seems marginally more likely, a full-blown debate about the constitutional future of Syria may appear premature.