Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: local government

  • Local Authorities as Guarantors of the Rule of Law: Recent Developments in the Council of Europe

    —Tania Groppi, Università degli Studi di Siena [Editor’s Note: This is one of our ICONnect columns. For more on our 2024 columnists, see here.] Local government is usually absent from the theoretical debates on the pillars of constitutional law, such as human rights, separation of powers, rule of law.

  • The Reframing of Local Government in the UK

    —Michèle Finck, University of Oxford After the independence referendum that took place in Scotland in September 2014, the UK is reflecting on a new decentralisation arrangement. While Scotland voted against independence, these negotiations are nonetheless underway as David Cameron had promised Scots that, should they stay within the UK, they would receive more independence in administering…