Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Latin America

  • Transformative Constitutionalism in Latin America: A Dialogic Route to Utopia?

    —Leonardo García Jaramillo, Universidad EAFIT, Government and Political Science Department-Colombia[*] In Latin America during the last three decades, the law (and particularly constitutional law) has been changing dramatically both anatomically and physiologically. It has become more widespread and more powerful, transforming its structure and shape, while its functions have grown in a more complex and inter-related…

  • The Constituent Dilemma in Latin America

    –Gabriel L. Negretto, Associate Professor, Division of Political Studies, CIDE Since the great revolutions of the late eighteenth century, the central principle of democratic constitutionalism has been that the people, as the supreme authority in a polity, is the only legitimate author of constitutions.

  • Should Egypt Drop the Presidency?

    —David Landau, Florida State University College of Law Bruce Ackerman recently wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling for Egypt to drop the institution of the presidency from its new constitutional order, and instead to use a parliamentary system with a constructive vote of no confidence.

  • Bachelet Appoints Group to Study New Constitution for Chile

    —Claudia Heiss, Instituto de Asuntos Publicos, Universidad de Chile On April 23rd former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010), the front-runner candidate for the November presidential election, announced a commission to study a new constitution. The group is composed of nine lawyers (including two women) some of whom contributed to the 2005 reform signed by…

  • The Constitutional Future of Venezuela

    —David Landau, FSU College of Law Hugo Chavez’s death poses important questions about the constitutional future of a country that many political analysts have seen as a hybrid or competitive authoritarian regime – that is, somewhere between pure democracy and dictatorship.

  • The Surprising Cascade of Pro-Gay Marriage Decisions in Latin America

    —David Landau, Florida State University College of Law Ten years ago, Latin America would have been one of the last places where one would have expected an avalanche of same-sex rights decisions and policies. But that’s indeed what has happened recently, bookmarked by a December decision of the Mexican Supreme Court.