Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Israel

  • Constitutional amendments review without entrenchment in Israel? Common law constitutionalism and the limits of judicial review reform

    —Paolo Sandro, University of Leeds Introduction Last month Netanyahu’s government, despite the unprecedented mass demonstrations taking place on a weekly basis across Israel for months now, has passed what is likely to be only the first step of their proposed overhaul of the Israeli judicial system.

  • Red Lines for Israel’s Constitutional Reforms

    —Moshe Cohen-Eliya & Iddo Porat, College of Law and Business There appears to be a revolution of sorts on the horizon of the Israeli legal system. All the parties that form the current right-wing coalition ran with a platform of reforming the Israeli legal system and once elected they included the following within their coalition…

  • Join I·CON: Debate!

    In our current issue we feature an I·CON: Debate! on strategic reasoning in the Israeli Supreme Court. In a landmark case, the Court decided to set a principle while delaying a concrete ruling until the legislature fleshes out particular legal arrangements in accordance with this principle.

  • Four Models of Politicized Judicial Selection

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School Judges on national courts of last resort are generally appointed in politicized processes. Judicial selection is politicized when the choice rests on popular consent mediated in some way through elected representatives. We can identify four major models of politicized judicial selection in constitutional states: (1) executive unilateral appointment; (2)…