Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: International Court of Justice

  • Sovereignty of Rights vs. “Global Constitutional” Law: The Italian Constitutional Court Decision No. 238/2014

    —Diletta Tega, University of Bologna (Italy) As Francesco Duranti already pointed out in his comment here at I-CONnect on 17 December 2014, Judgment no. 238, delivered on 22 October 2014, demonstrates how the Italian Constitutional Court (CC) “dialogues” with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) about the international custom on the immunity of States from the civil jurisdiction of…

  • War Crimes, Constitution, International Law: …Quid Juris? The Opinion of the Italian Constitutional Court

    —Francesco Duranti, Università per Stranieri di Perugia (Italy) With Judgment no. 238/2014 delivered on 22 October 2014, the Italian Constitutional Court (CC) “dialogues” with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the international custom of immunity of States from the civil jurisdiction of other States, as interpreted by the ICJ in its Judgment Germany v.

  • The Keith Project

    –Juliet Bull, Victoria University of Wellington   Sir Kenneth Keith, ONZ, KBE, QC is a renowned New Zealand Judge currently serving a nine-year term on the bench of the International Court of Justice. The “Keith Project” is a Victoria University of Wellington initiative which will provide access to Sir Kenneth’s extensive body of extra-judicial writing.