Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: House of Lords

  • The House of Lords Constitution Committee Report on ‘The Union and Devolution’

    Cross-posted with permission from the UK Constitutional Law Association Blog. The original post appears here. —Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, Legal Advisers to the Constitution Committee. This post is written in a personal capacity. The Constitution Committee’s report on ‘The Union and devolution’, published today, declares the Union to be “under threat”, and recommends that the…

  • A Middle Ground for Democratic Accountability: Retention Elections for the House of Lords?

    —Brian Christopher Jones, Liverpool Hope University Through the eyes of many the UK House of Lords cannot seem to do anything right. Westminster’s upper house continues to be one of the largest and most disparaged institutions in modern times. Ridicule of the institution predominantly occurs because after more than a century of attempted reform the House…

  • Book Review/Response: Rayner Thwaites and Daniel Wilsher on Indefinite Detention of Non-Citizens

    [Editor’s Note: In this installment of I•CONnect’s Book Review/Response Series, Daniel Wilsher reviews Rayner Thwaites’ recent book on The Liberty of Non-Citizens: Indefinite Detention in Commonwealth Countries (Hart 2014). Rayner Thwaites then responds to the review.] Review by Daniel Wilsher –Daniel Wilsher, City University London, reviewing Rayner Thwaites, The Liberty of Non-Citizens: Indefinite Detention in Commonwealth Countries (Hart 2014)…

  • Ireland’s Senate Survives

    —Eoin Carolan, University College Dublin In a result that defied all pre-referendum opinion polls, a narrow majority of voters last week rejected a proposal to abolish Ireland’s Seanad (Senate). The proposal, which was closely associated with Irish Taoiseach (Prime Minister) Enda Kenny, was defeated by 51.7% to 48.3%, a margin of almost 42,500 votes.