Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Egyptian Constitution

  • Egypt’s Amended Judicial Authority Laws

    The Arab Association of Constitutional Law’s Judiciary Working Group has been engaging in a debate on the recent changes to the judiciary in Egypt. The substance of that discussion has been summarized and translated below. The main submissions came from Tarek Abdel Aal (Advocate before the Court of Cassation) and Ahmed Sisi (Counsellor at the…

  • Video Interview: The New Egyptian Constitution Featuring Mohamed Arafa

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this second installment of our new video interview series at I-CONnect, Mohamed Arafa discusses the new Egyptian Constitution. The interview touches on the entrenchment of human rights in the new Constitution, the designation of Islam as the official religion, as well as whether the military constitutes an unofficial “fourth branch”…

  • Egypt’s New Draft Constitution of 2013: An Introduction and Appraisal

    —Mohamed Arafa, Alexandria University (Egypt) and Indiana University McKinney School of Law The Egyptian interim government supported by the Egyptian al–qwaat al–mosellaa(h) (military) recently released the new draft Egyptian Constitutional Charter. This draft Constitution is intended to replace, via amendment, the more Islamist–oriented de facto 2012 Constitution established during the recent reign of the Muslim…

  • Egypt’s Third Constitution in Three Years: A Critical Analysis

    –Zaid Al-Ali, International IDEA [Cross-posted at & International IDEA] Egypt’s new draft constitution includes a number of important improvements. It contains clear language on the issue of discrimination and violence against women; it grants significant rights and affords protection to children and the disabled; the list of socio-economic rights has been lengthened and is…

  • Recent Developments in Egypt: Interview with Mohamed Arafa

    –Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this installment of I-CONnect’s interview series, I speak with Mohamad Arafa about recent developments in Egypt. Professor Arafa teaches at Alexandria University in Egypt, where he specializes in constitutional, criminal and Islamic law. In our conversation, Professor Arafa provides an update on the latest developments in Egypt, discusses…