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Egypt – I·CONnect

Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Egypt

  • The Top Constitutional Events Of 2014

      2014 was a landmark year for governments around the world. Here are some of the most important constitutional events of the past twelve months, brought to you by the Comparative Constitutions Project and Constitute.   Jan|Feb|Mar|May|Jun|Sept|Oct|Nov|Dec     January: Egypt Holds Constitutional Referendum On January 24, 2014, poll results showed that Egyptian voters approved…

  • Video Interview: Trends in Modern Authoritarianism Featuring Ozan Varol

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this installment of our new video interview series at I-CONnect, I interview Ozan Varol on trends in modern authoritarianism. In the interview, we discuss how modern authoritarians use constitutional design and the law to serve their objectives.

  • Time and Sequence in Changes of Constitutional Regimes

    —Andrew Arato, The New School for Social Research Introduction The concept of the constituent power emerged in the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries. Many new constitutions since then were made through variety of non-revolutionary processes. Yet, the normative link between democratic forms of constitution making and revolution, deeply embedded in the notion of…

  • Egypt’s Third Constitution in Three Years: A Critical Analysis

    –Zaid Al-Ali, International IDEA [Cross-posted at & International IDEA] Egypt’s new draft constitution includes a number of important improvements. It contains clear language on the issue of discrimination and violence against women; it grants significant rights and affords protection to children and the disabled; the list of socio-economic rights has been lengthened and is…

  • Recent Developments in Egypt: Interview with Mohamed Arafa

    –Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this installment of I-CONnect’s interview series, I speak with Mohamad Arafa about recent developments in Egypt. Professor Arafa teaches at Alexandria University in Egypt, where he specializes in constitutional, criminal and Islamic law. In our conversation, Professor Arafa provides an update on the latest developments in Egypt, discusses…

  • Nathan Brown: Quick Reactions to Egypt’s New Draft Constitution

    –Nathan Brown, George Washington University A verson of the new draft Constitution has been published this morning in Egypt. Al-Shuruq says that it is still undergoing linguistic correction, and the draft as published has some gaps, so it is not clear how authoritative it is.

  • Egypt: What’s Next?

    —Mohamed Abdelaal, Assistant Professor of Constitutional and Administrative Law, Alexandria University, School of Law Was the overthrow of President Mohamed Morsi on June 30 a popular revolution or a military coup? The debate is outdated. What is more important is that the events of June 30 returned Egypt to square one, right back where it…

  • Should Egypt Drop the Presidency?

    —David Landau, Florida State University College of Law Bruce Ackerman recently wrote an op-ed in the New York Times calling for Egypt to drop the institution of the presidency from its new constitutional order, and instead to use a parliamentary system with a constructive vote of no confidence.

  • Of Generals, Judges, and Constitutional Democracies

    —Menaka Guruswamy, International Visiting Associate Professor of Law, Columbia University (Fall 2013) Cross-posted from the Blog of the UK Constitutional Law Group On July 3, General Fattah al-Sisi, the 58 year old Chief of the Egyptian Army announced on television that the army had removed President Mohammad Morsi from power and suspended the constitution.

  • Egypt’s new constitutional declaration: Back to square one?

    –Zaid Al-Ali, International IDEA(cross-posted from On July 8, Adli Mansour, Egypt’s new interim president who until recently was a member of the country’s Supreme Constitutional Court, issued yet another “constitutional declaration.”  This comes after a year of failed leadership by former President Mohamed Morsi, the historic June 30 demonstrations, the intervention by the military,…