Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Devolution

  • Review Essay: Nicholas Barber, The United Kingdom Constitution: An Introduction (Oxford, Clarendon Law, 2022)

    [Editor’s Note: In this installment of I•CONnect’s Book Review Series, Stephen Tierney reviews Nicholas Barber’s book “The United Kingdom Constitution: An Introduction” (Oxford: Clarendon Law, 2022) —Stephen Tierney, Professor of Constitutional Theory, University of Edinburgh; Legal Adviser, House of Lords Constitution Committee Nicholas Barber’s excellent new book is published at a time of great flux in the…

  • The House of Lords Constitution Committee Report on ‘The Union and Devolution’

    Cross-posted with permission from the UK Constitutional Law Association Blog. The original post appears here. —Mark Elliott and Stephen Tierney, Legal Advisers to the Constitution Committee. This post is written in a personal capacity. The Constitution Committee’s report on ‘The Union and devolution’, published today, declares the Union to be “under threat”, and recommends that the…

  • The Reframing of Local Government in the UK

    —Michèle Finck, University of Oxford After the independence referendum that took place in Scotland in September 2014, the UK is reflecting on a new decentralisation arrangement. While Scotland voted against independence, these negotiations are nonetheless underway as David Cameron had promised Scots that, should they stay within the UK, they would receive more independence in administering…

  • Hong Kong’s Constitutional Arrangements Aren’t Special

    –Alvin Y.H. Cheung, Visiting Scholar, U.S.-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law As political wrangling in Hong Kong continues over changes to how the city’s Chief Executive will be selected in 2017, Beijing marks the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the Hong Kong Basic Law—the Special Administrative Region’s constitutional document. 

  • Is a Federal Britain Now Inevitable?

    –Stephen Tierney, Professor of Constitutional Theory in the School of Law, University of Edinburgh and Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law; ESRC Senior Research Fellow, ESRC Centre on Constitutional Change. The Smith Commission Report issued today promises a restructuring of the United Kingdom which may prove to be more significant than the devolution settlement of…