Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Constitutional Statutes

  • Hong Kong’s Quasi-Constitutionalities: Part 1

    –P. Y. Lo, LLB (Lond.), Ph D (HKU), Barrister-at-law, Gilt Chambers, Hong Kong. Richard Albert and Joel Colón-Rios’ edited volume on Quasi-Constitutionality and Constitutional Statutes (Routledge 2019) considers a variety of means by which a statute can become or be treated as “entrenched”, “constitutionally significant” or otherwise having a “constitutional status”.

  • “Quasi Constitutional” Status as *Not* Implying a Form Requirement

    —Maxime St-Hilaire, Faculté de droit, Université de Sherbrooke In his post on this blog, Adam Perry writes that the British cases on what are known in the UK as constitutional statutes (and in Canada as quasi–constitutional statutes) “have been very controversial in constitutional circles”, whereas, by contrast, “the Canadian cases caused barely a ripple.”

  • Video Interview: Constitutional Statutes, Featuring Farrah Ahmed and Adam Perry

    —Richard Albert, Boston College Law School In this latest installment of our video interview series at I-CONnect, I interview Farrah Ahmed (Melbourne) and Adam Perry (Oxford) on the phenomenon of “constitutional statute,” the subject of two of their recently co-authored papers.

  • Constitutional and Quasi-Constitutional Statutes

    –Adam Perry, Lecturer in Law, Queen Mary University of London  Some statutes have ‘constitutional’ or ‘quasi-constitutional’ status. What is the legal significance of a statute’s constitutional or quasi-constitutional status? The answer is different in different jurisdictions. In Britain, Canada, and some other jurisdictions, the answers are different than they once were.

  • Are Constitutional Statutes “Quasi-Entrenched”?

    –Adam Perry (Aberdeen) and Farrah Ahmed (Melbourne) [cross-posted from UK Constitutional Law Blog] The Supreme Court issued its decision in H v Lord Advocate (pdf) in 2012. The decision has been virtually ignored by constitutional scholars, but we believe it may be of great constitutional significance.