Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: Chile

  • Indigenous Peoples and the Chilean Constituent Assembly

    —Francisco Osorio, Department of Anthropology, Universidad de Chile This is a time of many firsts. The first female Vice President of the United States of America (also of black and Indian descent). The first vaccine for a global pandemic in less than a year.

  • New Constitution or Nothing! The Promise and Pitfalls of Chile’s Constitutional Moment

    —Lisa Hilbink, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota[1] In the wee hours of Friday, November 15th, Chile reached a historic milestone: Congressional representatives from nearly all political parties, across the political spectrum, signed an agreement to open the path to a new constitution.

  • On the Protests and Riots in Chile: Why Chile Should Modify its Presidential System

    —Sergio Verdugo, Centro de Justicia Constitucional, Universidad de Desarrollo (Chile)[1] There are many ways to approach the demands behind the protests in Chile, and I do not aim to replace or disprove those perspectives. Instead, this essay shows that part of the problem relates to the existence of an unresponsive government and that the explanation…

  • The Chilean Presidential Election and the Constituent Process

    –Alberto Coddou Mc Manus, Observatory of the Chilean Constituent Process Next Sunday, November 19, Chile will celebrate one of the most important presidential elections since the return to democracy in 1990s. According to different opinion polls, Sebastian Piñera, a right-wing millionaire, will most likely receive the highest number of votes in the first round, and…

  • Governing in a Liberal-Constitutional State: Dealing With the Clash Between Legality and Legitimacy in Chile and Spain (I-CONnect Column)

    —Javier Couso, Universidad Diego Portales & Utrecht University [Editor’s note: This is one of our biweekly I-CONnect columns. Columns, while scholarly in accordance with the tone of the blog and about the same length as a normal blog post, are a bit more “op-ed” in nature than standard posts.

  • The Chilean Constituent Process: A Long and Winding Road

    —Alberto Coddou Mc Manus, Diego Portales University & University College of London Nowadays, Chile is undergoing a unique constituent process. A longstanding aim of several social movements, the idea of a new constitution now dominates the agenda, and is one of the main commitments of the current government.

  • The Constitution-Making Process in Chile: A Cautionary Tale from Turkey

    —Claudia Heiss, Universidad de Chile & Oya Yegen, Boston University On April 21, President Michelle Bachelet of Chile delivered the second public address to Congress of her term. During that address, she reaffirmed that she would pursue constitutional changes to the 1980 Constitution written under military dictatorship, although she left open key questions about procedure.

  • Chile’s Constitutional Moment?

    –Oya Yegen Chile is going through a “constitutional moment”. Demand for replacing the 1980 Constitution, inherited from the Pinochet regime, has not been so clearly expressed or been so central to presidential elections until the last couple of years. Now, with a presidential election due to take place this Sunday, the issue has come to…

  • The Constituent Power of Student Protests in Chile

    –Fernando Muñoz León, Assistant Professor, Universidad Austral de Chile 2011 was an important year for social movements and popular protest in liberal democracies. For instance, the United States had the Occupy movement and Spain the Indignados. Chile had its own share in the form of massive student protests that put the government on the ropes…

  • Bachelet Appoints Group to Study New Constitution for Chile

    —Claudia Heiss, Instituto de Asuntos Publicos, Universidad de Chile On April 23rd former President of Chile Michelle Bachelet (2006-2010), the front-runner candidate for the November presidential election, announced a commission to study a new constitution. The group is composed of nine lawyers (including two women) some of whom contributed to the 2005 reform signed by…