Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: AKP

  • Resetting the Turkish Judiciary

    —Tarik Olcay, University of Glasgow The Ministry of Justice introduced a bill to Parliament on June 13,[1] which mainly restructures the administrative and civil supreme courts in Turkey. The “Bill on Amendments to the Law of the Council of State and Other Laws” (Danıştay Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun Tasarısı),[2] purports to…

  • “De-constitutionalism” in Turkey?

    –Dr. Ali Acar, Ph.D. in Law, EUI Can “de-” be a modifier to describe the constitutionalism in a country? [1] This is what Prof. Kemal Gözler, a constitutional law scholar, has termed the current state of constitutionalism in Turkey.[2] He argues that Turkey undergoes a process of de-constitutionalism through various ways and practices of constitutional…

  • The Electoral Threshold Case in Turkey

    –Ali Acar, PhD Student, European University Institute According to recent statements made to a journalist by the President Hasim Kilic of the Turkish Constitutional Court,[1] the Court will soon deliver a decision on the 10% electoral threshold that exists for political parties to be represented in Parliament in a case brought before the Court by three…

  • Turkey Rolling Back the 2010 Reforms?

    –Oya Yegen, Boston University, Department of Political Science Turkish judges and prosecutors cast their votes last week for the election of 10 regular and 6 substitute new members to the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors (HSYK)[1]. The council’s new makeup has been the center of speculation.

  • Turkey’s Constitutional Process

    —Bertil Emrah Oder, Dean, Koç University Law School [cross-posted from the Hürriyet Daily News] After the refusal of the Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) proposal by the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), the constitutional plan as to the 60 agreed articles seems to have been put aside from further political consideration.

  • Constitution-Making in Turkey: Towards a Presidential System?

    —Ozan Varol, Assistant Professor, Lewis & Clark Law School Although recent academic and popular commentary on constitution-making has largely focused on the constitutional transitions in progress across the Arab World, I wanted to take this opportunity to update the I•CON community on the constitution-drafting process currently underway in Turkey.