Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Tag: African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights

  • The Beginning of the End for Vagrancy Laws?

    —Christopher Roberts, Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong. During the drafting of the European Convention on Human Rights, Sweden suggested an amendment to the provision protecting liberty and security of the person, stipulating that vagrancy and alcohol abuse be recognized as grounds upon which individuals might be detained.[1]

  • As Karlsruhe and Luxembourg Feud, are Jo’burg and Arusha Growing Closer?

    —Tom Gerald Daly, The University of Melbourne 2020, which has been a friend to no one, has certainly not spared international courts. Most obviously, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany’s Weiss[1] judgment of 5 May, holding a judgment of the Court of Justice of the EU ultra vires due to poor reasoning, has shaken the…

  • Repression in Bahrain: The End of Any Hope for an Effective Arab Court of Human Rights?

    —Tom Gerald Daly, Associate Director, Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law; Visiting Scholar at iCourts, University of Copenhagen While the world’s eyes were on Nice and Turkey last weekend, Sunday 17 July brought more bad news from farther south: in Bahrain the ruling Al Khalifa monarchical regime had dissolved the country’s largest opposition group, Al Wefaq.