Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: Romania

  • A New Test for the Romanian Constitutional Court

    Kim Lane Scheppele, Princeton University The Romanian Constitutional Court has played a key role in blocking the efforts by the new government of Prime Minister Victor Ponta to bring all institutions of state under the control of his governing coalition.  At the moment, the Court is under extreme pressure to certify last week’s referendum results,…

  • Romania in Hungary’s Footsteps: Different Victor, Same Strategy

    [cross-posted with thanks from] On January 1, 2012 with an amended Constitution in place, Hungary, the once-praised EU accession candidate, proved that rule of law and consolidated judicial institutions are not at all irreversible. A new shift of power brought to Budapest the necessary political power that allowed Viktor Orbán and the FIDESZ government…

  • More on Constitutional Concerns regarding EU Data Retention Directive

    Readers will likely recall that the German Federal Constitutional Court earlier this month held unconstitutional a German law requiring the retention of certain telecommunication data (German decision here, German press reports in English here and here). The law that was invalidated transposed Directive 2006/24/EC, passed largely in response to the Madrid and London bombings, into…