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New Voices – I·CONnect

Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: New Voices

  • A Case for the Inclusion of the Right to Public Participation under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution: A Comparative Constitutional Analysis

    Special Series: Perspectives from Undergraduate Law Students Ishika Garg and Shamik Datta, National Academy of Legal Studies and Research, Hyderabad (India) Introduction Recently, in Rajeev Suri, the Supreme Court of India (‘SCI’) has recognised participatory democracy as a strong element of the Indian representative democracy, embedded in the Constitution itself.

  • Special Undergraduate Series–Enforcing Disability Rights: the Indian Supreme Court’s Judgment in Vikash Kumar

    Special Series: Perspectives from Undergraduate Law Students LL.B. Student Contribution –Prannv Dhawan and Anchal Bhateja, B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) Students, National Law School of India University, Bengaluru (India) In a significant judgment rendered in case of Vikash Kumar v. Union Public Service Commission, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of India constitutionally fortified the right…

  • Special Undergraduate Series–Six Issues for Debate in Chile’s Upcoming Elections for the Constitutional Convention

    Special Series: Perspectives from Law StudentsJ.D. Student Contribution –William Skewes-Cox, 3L, Georgetown University Law Center On April 10th and 11th, 2021, Chile will hold elections to select the 155 members of the Constitutional Convention that will write the country’s new constitution.

  • Five Questions with Antonia Baraggia

    —Richard Albert, William Stamps Farish Professor of Law, The University of Texas at Austin In “Five Questions” here at I-CONnect, we invite a public law scholar to answer five questions about his or her research.  This edition of “Five Questions” features a short video interview with Antonia Baraggia, Assistant Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Milan. 

  • Perspectives on Hong Kong Constitutional Law–Views from Law Students

    Editors’ Note: We are pleased to feature these two posts on Hong Kong Constitutional Law, authored by students learning the subject under the supervision of Professor Rehan Abeyratne at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Below, Professor Abeyratne first offers a brief introduction; the two student posts follow.

  • The US Same-Sex Marriage Decision: Unconstitutional Constitutional Change?

    —Mikołaj Barczentewicz, DPhil in Law Candidate, University of Oxford Much will be written about Obergefell v Hodges, the momentous decision of the US Supreme Court endorsing a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, but in this short blog post I will limit myself to one aspect of the judgment: does it constitute unconstitutional constitutional change?

  • Words to a Delegate: Crafting Article V

    Special Series: Perspectives from Undergraduate Law Students J.D. Student Contribution –Larissa Warren, rising 3L, Boston College Law School [Editor’s note: The students in my advanced seminar on constitutional amendment wrote excellent papers in their take-home examination for the course. They were given a choice of two questions to answer: (1) “Is the United States Constitution Too Difficult to…

  • Global Standards of Constitutional Law: What Knowledge? What Method?

    —Maxime St-Hilaire, University of Sherbrooke Over the past few years, I have been led to try to draw theoretical implications and conclusions (not to mention political and moral ones) from new forms of constitutional law practice such as the Venice Commission’s, a broad advisory organ of the Council of Europe.

  • Should Foreigners Vote in National Legislative Elections?

    —Michèle Finck, University of Oxford Next month, voters in Luxembourg will have to participate in a referendum (voting is mandatory in Luxembourg) that raises three different questions, among which is the following: do you agree that those residents that are not Luxembourg nationals should be entitled to participate in national legislative elections under the condition…

  • Constitutional and Quasi-Constitutional Statutes

    –Adam Perry, Lecturer in Law, Queen Mary University of London  Some statutes have ‘constitutional’ or ‘quasi-constitutional’ status. What is the legal significance of a statute’s constitutional or quasi-constitutional status? The answer is different in different jurisdictions. In Britain, Canada, and some other jurisdictions, the answers are different than they once were.