Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: HP; constitutional design

  • Fatherland, Socialism or Death

    –Daniel Lansberg-Rodriguez Yesterday a new article of mine came out in Foreign Policy on some of the possible contingencies  for the upcoming Venezuelan Elections. An earlier version of the piece, which the FP editors felt may be a bit too legalistic and technical for their purposes, was just the sort of thing which I suspect…

  • Libya’s Constitution: Take it Slow

    More reflections on the time line currently being considered by Libya’s National Transitional Council and other considerations for the forthcoming constitution making process here:

  • The Price of Legality in an Egyptian Transition, Part II–some other voices weigh in

    As I noted in my last post, under the current constitutional scheme in Egypt, elites in the ruling National Democratic Party can hold hostage the “legality” of any quick regime change. To recap: Under the current constitution, as soon as the president is forced out, elections must be held within 2 months and must be…

  • Southern Sudan’s Constitutional Review

    On January 21 the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) issued a presidential decree for the “formation of the Technical Committee to review the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan” and to present a final draft of a transitional constitution to the President by April 25.

  • Constitution-making in Somalia

    A fascinating, first-hand account of current UN-led constitution-making efforts in war-ridden Somalia — arguably one of the bleakest, most dysfunctional corners of today’s world — is offered by Professor David Cameron of the University of Toronto’s Department of Political Science. Professor Cameron, a prominent scholar of Canadian federalism and inter-governmental relations, has long been involved…