Blog of the International Journal of Constitutional Law

Category: federalism

  • Popular Consultation in Sudan

    Tom, you’re right to highlight Sudan as a possible “hot spot” for constitutional reform in 2010 (and beyond), but not necessarily in the context of “crisis.” This isn’t to say some sort of crisis is out of the question (or even unlikely), but it is not the only scenario in which meaningful constitutional reform might…

  • Iraq’s Constitutional Review Committee Delivers its Final Report to Parliament

    The Iraq Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) submitted its final report to the Iraq Parliament on July 27 with little notice or fanfare – over two and half years after it began its constitutionally mandated comprehensive review, the report comes in at 68 pages (in English) and represents dozens of proposed amendments to the 2005 Constitution.

  • The Spending Power in Australia

    A recent decision of the Australian High Court has answered some questions about the source and scope of the federal spending power although many remain unresolved. Pape v Commissioner of Taxation [2009] HCA 23 also is of interest for a range of other purposes, including the interface between federalism and other institutional arrangements and comparative…